September 1st - 28th

Hello, yogi tribe!

This month’s yoga journey is STRENGTH for 28-days this September . We will focus on the following intentions, which will build and deepen over the month. You can join daily, once a week, or even spontaneously. Every moment you choose to show up, you will gift yourself a chance at deeper physical, mental, and inner harmony. I hope to see many of you there, holding space for each other and embarking on this journey of STRENGTH together.

🌿 Weights: Beyond physical strength, using weights to helps us feel supported and connected.
🌿 Connection: Sync up with your inner self, embracing every sensation and pulse.
🌿 Grounding: In our chaotic world, let’s anchor ourselves to grow.
🌿 Power: Tap into the gentle might within, harnessing it confidently.
🌿 Joyful Movement: Celebrate your body. Move, dance, and stretch with gratitude.
🌿 Weights Feedback: Use them as a tool to understand and connect deeper with your body.
🌿 Joyful Strength: Narrate tales of resilience and joy in every motion.
🌿 Peak Pose: Reflect on our journey and embrace our progress in each class.
🌿 Longer Holds: Deepen into each pose, soaking in its benefits.

* Have a belt, or a scarf and 2 tins or 0.5kg weights.

Join me daily for a 20-minute live stream on Youtube and Facebook. Whether you join daily or occasionally, cherish the chance for deeper harmony. Let’s journey in STRENGTH together.

With warmth,
Ciara 🌿🌙

If you would like to try another Yoga Journey click here:

Or check out our blog here:

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