NOURISH : November 2023

Ciara, with beautiful gray hair, sits serenely under a tree surrounded by lush ferns, her long hair flowing down. She wears a scarf and holds a bright red mug cupped in her hands, radiating a sense of tranquility and warmth in the natural setting

NOURISH – Yoga with Ciara

Welcome to a new month of inspiration and wellness on our continuous journey to self-discovery and inner growth. Experience a Nourishing November with Ciara, our focus turns to the beautiful theme of“NOURISH.” This month, we’re diving deep into the art of self-care, nurturing our bodies and souls, and promoting growth in all aspects of our lives. With Ciara as your guide, you’ll embark on a 23-day yoga adventure that promises to leave you feeling nourished, renewed, and connected.

1st-23rd November  2023

Throughout this month, we’ll embrace the art of nourishment, dedicating ourselves to 20 minutes of daily yoga practice. But this journey goes beyond the mat. It’s about integrating simple, nurturing practices into your daily routine to feed your mind, body, and soul.

The Meaning of NOURISH:

In the dictionary, NOURISH is defined as “to promote the growth of.” This concept lies at the heart of our November theme. It’s about tending to the deep, warm, and often hidden aspects of ourselves, providing them with the care they need to flourish. Just like a plant needs sunlight and water to grow, our inner selves require nourishment to thrive.

Nourishing Mind, Body, and Soul:

Our yoga classes this month will be carefully crafted to help you listen to your inner self, creating movements that are deeply nurturing. Each session will be an opportunity to set intentions and develop habits that foster nourishment in your daily life. Beyond the yoga mat, we encourage you to take just 5 minutes each day to connect with a part of your life that brings you nourishment. It could be a moment of mindfulness, a cherished ritual, or simply being present with the sensations of your body and breath.

The Practice of Presence:

Nourishing yourself involves a profound practice of presence. It’s a commitment to checking in daily and experiencing what is, without judgment or expectation. Through steady, regulated, and wholesome movements, we’ll support your overall health and well-being, nourishing your body and soul with each position, gesture and movement.. This practice is all about honoring yourself, acknowledging the full spectrum of your emotions and sensations, and embracing the journey of self-care.

As we begin this journey of nourishment, remember that each day you show up, both on and off the mat, you’re promoting your own growth, just like a seed that transforms into a magnificent tree. Let’s cultivate the art of self-care and embark on this month of mindful movement, nourishing our minds, bodies, and souls. I am here to guide you every step of the way, helping you discover the transformative power of nourishment. Together, let’s embrace the warmth, depth, and richness of November.


Come experience a Nourishing November with Ciara!

LOVE CIARA . 🧘‍♀️🌿✨



#NourishYoga #NovemberNourishment #SelfCareJourney #MindfulMovement #InnerGrowth #WellnessNovember #DailyYogaPractice #NourishYourSoul #SelfDiscovery #ArtOfSelfCare #PresencePractice #NourishingMindBodySoul #CiaraYogaGuide #InnerWellness #NourishmentJourney #WarmthAndRichness #TransformationThroughNourishment #NovemberWellness #YogaAdventure #MindfulNourishment #EmbraceSelfNourishment

Come PRACTICE with Ciara 

Yoga with Ciara You Tube Channel 



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