Walking barefoot first thing in the morning is an awesome way to improve your overall health. It’s like hitting the reset button on your body, connecting you with mother earth and reducing stress on your joints. Plus, it’s an amazing way to improve your balance, posture, and even your spinal health. Walking barefoot strengthens the muscles in your feet, and the natural feedback loop between your feet and brain helps improve posture and balance. And, who knew walking barefoot could be a total vibe for reducing inflammation and improving sleep? Not to mention, it helps reduce the risk of lower back pain. So, put down the flip-flops and feel the earth beneath your feet.
I do it every morning. At 5 o clock ish, I make a coffee and drink it as I stand and feel the morning, some times I crunch my way , or the ground is wet and cold, or warm and dew filled. Each and every time, it lands me into my feet, saying good morning to the earth, to my land, to my day.
#Earthing #BarefootWalking #HealthyLifestyle #NatureConnection #BalanceImprovement #PostureCorrection #SpinalHealth #InflammationReduction #BetterSleep #LowerBackPainRelief #MorningRoutine #CoffeeAndNature #Grounding #Mindfulness #NatureLovers