Cayenne Pepper Cold’n’Flu Remedy

Cayenne Pepper Cold’n’Flu Remedy

Add all of these ingredients to a cup or pint of hot water and take the full amount 3-4 times a day until the symptoms are resolved.

1/2 – 1 tsp Turmeric
1/4 – 1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper (start with 1/4 tsp and increase over a few days to 1/2)
1 full lemon, squeezed
1 slice of ginger, grated
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 capful of apple cider vinegar with mother
1 tsp raw honey

Have this drink each morning and during your day – you can make larger quantities in a saucepan and take a cup every few hours. This is also great for sinus infections.

Alongside this you could take a spoonful of Manuka honey off a teaspoon every couple of hours, or as needed, as this is both anti-bacterial and anti-viral.

or Naduir Wild raw honey,,, or the Winter wellness honey

Also: Take 1 or 2 epsom salt baths during the cold/flu to help alleviate symptoms, start as soon as you start to feel symptoms.

This recipe was shared by KAREN CLANCY
Karen Clancy

Lic.Ac., N.T.Dip.,
M.T.C.M.C.I., M N.T.O.I, M.B.A.N.T, M.C.S.S.
Tel: 087 2923555

Centre for Holistic Health,
Co. Galway.

The Resting Tree Holistic Centre
Unit 18,
Sandyford business centre,


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