Body College Galway : 6th Course starts in Galway, March 2024

Body College Galway: 6th Course starts in Galway: March 2024 Info here


Hi there! I’m excited to share a little about my Cranio Sacral journey in here in Galway.

I’m part of the Body College school, and we’re starting a new training in March.


I’ve been doing this for quite a while now, almost ten years! I’ve been part of eight trainings, and it’s been an incredible experience. I’m super grateful for this opportunity.

I love learning with our students. It’s not just about books and classes; it’s about discovering things together. It’s amazing how much it enriches my life.

Our training isn’t just about reading and studying; it’s a mix of everything. personal experience and perception.

As assistant,  I’m there to help our students. I make sure they feel safe and supported as they learn. I really enjoy creating a wholesome and creative learning environment,  it’s great to be part of this community.

🌱 Growing Together: As our students learn, I learn too. It seems that no matter how much I learn about the body there is always more to learn. Keeping up with the new science to keep the course content current, is an amazing learning opportunity, and motivation.  It’s like a journey where we all explore and discover new things. We grow together, and it’s amazing! This path holds such personal and anatomy, and physiology learning. it is very inspiring


As an assistant, I’ve learned how to be present, regulate my emotions, and be there for others.

I’ve gained a lot of skills over the years and am excited to share them.

I can’t wait for the next training starting in March 2024.

Come join us and explore the amazing world of BCST! I’d love to see you there. 🌿🙏


Intro Event with Steve Haines and Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh on November 16th at the Connaught Hotel.

It’s free, so book your spot now!


And there’s also an Intro Day in Naduir, Furbo, with Josef Steiner and Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh on January 7th, 2024.

Lunch is included, so make sure to reserve you place.

#BCSTTraining #BodyCollege #BodyCollegeGalway #CranioGalway #BiodynamicCraniosacralTherapy #BiodynamicCraniosacralTherapyTrainings

Our BCST training is not just about professional growth; it’s a path of personal transformation and shared learning. We are thrilled to continue this incredible journey with our upcoming training starting on March 6th, 2024.

Join us in discovering the clinical efficiency and beauty of BCST. Your presence is a gift, and this journey shapes us all. 🙏🌿

Don’t miss our upcoming Intro Event with Steve Haines and Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh on November 16th at the Connaught Hotel. It’s free of charge! Book your place now.

Also, join us for an Intro Day at Naduir in Furbo with Josef Steiner and Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh. Lunch is included. Book your place today.

#BCSTTraining #BodyCollege #BodyCollegeGalway #CranioGalway #BiodynamicCraniosacralTherapy #BiodynamicCraniosacralTherapyTrainings


Intro Event with Steve Haines and Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh

November 16th 2023

Connaught Hotel, Free of Charge Book a place 


Intro Day in Naduir, Furbo, with Josef Steiner and Ciara Ni Dhiomasaigh,

January 7th 2024

Lunch included Book a place 


#BCSTTraining #bodycollege #bodycollegegalway #craniogalway #biodynamiccraniosacraltherapy #biodynamiccraniosacraltherapytrainings


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